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I Lost My Older Brother… Grieving and Depression

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | January 14, 2019 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I lost my older brother just a few weeks ago. I feel so sad and depressed. Plus I have major depression and an anxiety disorder, panic disorder too. Could losing my brother make me have lapse back into a deep depression again? -Phoebe Dear Phoebe, The short answer to your question is “Yes, […]

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A Wife’s Suicide

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | January 7, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My wife took her own life a few months ago, and it has busted me wide open. I’m better than where I was but far from being better. I wrestle with the coulda, shoulda, woulda of survivor guilt and anger. I miss her terribly, and now have somewhat come to terms that this […]

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Five Principles for Managing Grief in the New Year

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | December 31, 2018 | 0 Comments

EDITOR’S NOTE: WE THOUGHT THIS WAS WORTH REPEATING AS THE NEW YEAR LOOMS Dear Dr. Neimeyer– My husband died just over a year ago, so on January 1st I will start my second year without him, and I am not looking forward to it.  It’s not that I am immobilized by grief, as I have […]

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Grieving a wife’s death from cancer

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | December 24, 2018 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My wife passed away on last month from cancer. We knew it was going to happen someday but we were utterly floored by the speed with which she went downhill. I know she is in a beautiful place with the Lord. I am trying very hard to deal with the emotions from […]

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Anticipatory Grieving and Parents: somatic symptom disorders

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | December 17, 2018 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I’m a physician and psychiatrist, and I have a question for you given your decades of work in both the theory and clinical practice around grief/bereavement. I am trained as a pediatrician, and also as an adult + child/adolescent psychiatrist. I now work as a psychiatrist, embedded with the pediatric palliative care […]

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Five Principles for Managing Grief in the New Year

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | December 10, 2018 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer– My husband died just over a year ago, so on January 1st I will start my second year without him, and I am not looking forward to it.  It’s not that I am immobilized by grief, as I have gotten better across the months in that department, and actually feel pretty good […]

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My husband passed away…

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | December 3, 2018 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband passed away in five years ago. It was right before our oldest son graduated from high school and our youngest son was eight. My oldest son graduated  with a degree in electrical engineering last year. My oldest son, I believe bottled up everything; he won’t even talk to me or his […]

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Grieving and the Holidays

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | November 26, 2018 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband Don died 9 months ago after a rapid decline; and his lungs basically stopped working, even with oxygen treatments.  His death has been hard for us as a family in many ways, as he lived only about 6 months after getting the diagnosis, and we are now facing the first Christmas […]

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Suicide of a Son and Complicated Grief x

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | November 19, 2018 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I lost my son Charles a few months ago to suicide. Charles  lost both his babies 4 years ago. Their first baby was a miscarriage and the second was born with a rare cancer and only survived two and a half months but lost his battle and passed on. This broke my son and the 4 years after […]

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After sudden death of a husband; finding meaning in life

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | November 12, 2018 | 198 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Six months ago my partner of 47 years died suddenly. We have no children and have always been very close and spent a lot of time together. This would have been our first real year of retirement together and we were looking forward to growing old together, just enjoying our free time and everyday things.  Now he’s gone I can […]

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