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Anticipatory Grief — An Ask Dr. Neimeyer Guest Column

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | August 12, 2019 | 0 Comments

Editor’s Note: This week we are printing a response to a recent Q&A on Anticipatory grief.   The author, Mary Jane Hurley Brant, M.S., CGP has written for AfterTalk several times in the past, and we value her thoughts. Below is “Judy’s” question and Dr. Neimeyer’s answer followed by Ms. Mary Jane Hurley Brant’s response.   Dear […]

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Deadly car accident takes two daughters

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | August 5, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I was recently in a deadly car accident that took the lives of my two beautiful, funny, and loving baby girls, ages 6 and 8. The accident also resulted in my surviving teenage year old daughter being a paraplegic, and my husband having a TBI, and several fractures in his face, arm, leg […]

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Anticipatory grief, when a loved one is dying

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | July 29, 2019 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My question is about anticipatory grief, the distress that family members can feel when a loved one is receiving end-of-life care. I work in a palliative care unit of a large hospital, and we often have families who are overwhelmed with the reality of the patient’s impending death, to a point that […]

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Does time heal sorrow?

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | July 22, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My 27 year old son died almost two years ago. The first year was hard but I mostly felt in a fog. Now it seems that fog is lifting, but this second year is proving to be a lot worse than the first. I am remembering more about the death and funeral […]

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Feeling conflicted about remarrying

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | July 15, 2019 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr Neimeyer, My husband passed away a few years ago when my children were very young. I was fortunate enough to find a wonderful man and remarry. He has embraced ‘our’ children as if they were his own. My problem is that I am very conflicted. I want my children to grow up knowing […]

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Feeling conflicted about remarrying

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | July 15, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr Neimeyer, My husband passed away a few years ago when my children were very young. I was fortunate enough to find a wonderful man and remarry. He has embraced ‘our’ children as if they were his own. My problem is that I am very conflicted. I want my children to grow up knowing […]

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How do I start grieving?

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | July 8, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, It’s been 11 years since I buried my mom and dad and I’ve never been able to accept or deal with their deaths; and then in February I lost my final grandma, so there’s been some issues with family since, and I have left and never looked back; but I still haven’t […]

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Getting through grief without anti-depressants?

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | July 1, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Is the best and probably only way to get through complicated grief through the use of anti-depressants? Thanks. Demi   Dear Demi, Both clinical experience and clinical research suggest that antidepressant medication is a mixed blessing in the context of bereavement, for several reasons. In fact, for many years psychiatrists agreed that […]

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Preparing for the anniversary of a passing

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | June 24, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, How do I handle the one year anniversary of my daughter’s passing, which is coming up next month? She left three babies behind, and I found her in her room with the boys with her. Luckily they were sleeping. But I can’t get that vision out of my head! I cry, I […]

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I lost my husband in an accident over 25 years ago

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | June 17, 2019 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I lost my husband in an accident over 25 years ago while we were getting ready for his grandmother’s funeral. There were so many unanswered questions, as our daughter was only a year old and she is  now nearing 30. But my question is why I still have my moments of tears and […]

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