Recent Stories

Experiencing the presence of a deceased loved one

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | May 13, 2024 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I’d like to ask him if some way people that pass ever come back, or when their body leaves but does the spirit stay? My only son died in May, and last night I heard him call me and I answered. Sandy Dear Sandy– Throughout recorded history and across a great many […]

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My Mother Died: Which Mother am I Writing To?

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | May 6, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I’ve been a fan of AfterTalk and your column for some time. I have used “Private Conversations” to talk with my deceased father for years. My mother died two weeks ago. I am starting to gel my “Conversations”  to my mother in my head. Here’s the rub, and the challenge: Which Mother […]

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…the anniversary of my daughter’s passing

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | April 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

Preparing for the anniversary of my daughter’s passing Dear Dr. Neimeyer, How do I handle the one year anniversary of my daughter’s passing, which is coming up next month? She left three babies behind, and I found her in her room with the boys with her. Luckily they were sleeping. But I can’t get that […]

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The Grief Journey

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | April 22, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, The grief journey never goes away. I lost my dad when I was 14, and my best friend when I was in my late 30s. Four years later another friend. My mom passed 15 years ago, and another close friend two years later. I just lost two friends in the past two months. […]

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Her mother died suddenly

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | April 15, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I am a marriage and family therapist with a 55 year old female client who is the only surviving member of her family  Her mother died suddenly and unexpectedly last year and she’s given up all her many interests.  She is full of anxiety and fear–seems agoraphobic–having panic attacks and hot flashes […]

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Blaming Myself for My Mother’s Death

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | April 8, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, How do I stop blaming myself for my mother’s death?  She was 85 and 18 hours away from heart valve replacement, doing well, ready for it.  She was told to walk some before surgery, and her last walk was fatal.  I think I could have stopped her from overdoing it, but I […]

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“I am losing the final piece of him…”

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | April 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband passed away nearly a dozen years ago and I have been receiving his Social Security Benefits since that time. On my birthday next Spring I will be taking my own Social Security.  My question is:  Why do I feel so apprehensive about taking mine and giving up my husband’s?  This is the […]

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A Son Grieves for his Sister

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | March 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My 18-year old son lost his sister (age 10) two years ago, as a result of cancer. He had a very close relationship with her and was and still is devastated as he grieves for his sister. He has so much anger around her death but he won’t ever talk to me about his grief.  He […]

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Coping with multiple losses

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | March 18, 2024 | 2 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Why is it so hard? I lost my sister in the Spring, then my husband a month later, then my son two months later. It’s been a losing battle I just don’t know how to handle this. Phyllis Dear Phyllis– When a person has a litany of losses in such close succession […]

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“I Lost My Husband…”

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | March 11, 2024 | 2 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I lost my husband one year ago. My biggest problem is our children live so far away and only visit once a year. I feel so isolated because they are so busy with their lives and I am not included. One daughter will call weekly and the other daughter very rarely calls […]

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