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Dear Dr. Neimeyer, A good deal of my practice with grieving clients is influenced by your work and that of your colleagues like Dennis Klass on the idea of continuing bonds–the concept that bereaved people really are striving to maintain their attachment to deceased loved ones who have died rather than “let go,” “withdraw energy […]
Continue ReadingEditor’s Note: This week we are printing a compendium of comments to recent Ask Dr. Neimeyer posts focusing on grief and the holidays. Hi..please help me to overcome the blame of my mom’s death, I lost my mom last summer. She had a heart complications (angina) and also arthritis, me and my sisters we took […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, I’ve been watching and reading about the horrible flooding in Valencia, Spain, as a result of record rainfall in that region, and my heart breaks to witness the death toll that is quickly climbing into the hundreds, along with the unbelievable scenes of destruction of whole towns and neighborhoods. Many of us […]
Continue ReadingEditor’s note: we are reprinting this post in honor of all who have served their country, veterans and those currently serving. Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My partner committed suicide in front of me last February. He asked me to hold his hand. I always promised I’d be there for him, regardless. But this was something I […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer. Today marks eight months since I lost my husband. He was only 46 years old. I still am having a difficult time realizing he is not coming back. The first few months after he was gone, I had to leave work every single day at lunch to cry in my car and […]
Continue ReadingEditor’s Note: with many approaching the holidays with a loss recently behind them, and their grief overlaid with the despair of these times, we thought this Dr. Neimeyer column might be helpful–LL Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My 18 year old son hung himself in a tree in June. Since that day my life is […]
Continue ReadingEditor’s Note: with many approaching the holidays with a loss recently behind them, and their grief overlaid with the despair of these times, we thought this Dr. Neimeyer column might be helpful–LL Dear Dr. Neimeyer– My husband died just over a year ago, so now begins my second year without him, and I am not […]
Continue ReadingEditor’s Note: with many approaching the holidays with a loss recently behind them, and their grief overlaid with the despair of these times, we thought this Dr. Neimeyer column might be helpful–LL Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband Don died 9 months ago after a rapid decline; and his lungs basically stopped working, even with oxygen treatments. […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, My therapist showed me your website and I’m grateful for her suggestion to join and get involved here. My mother was killed in 2012 and I’m still struggling very much with what I’m told is called complicated grief. I was very very close to my mum, who was my best friend, my […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, I have a question please. I lost my sixteen year old son in an accident only fifteen months ago. I can hardly walk through this house of memories, so I stay isolated in one room. I do not want to be bothered. My mom lives here and has taken over for a […]
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