Loss of a husband

Guilt and Grief — a Husband’s Long Decline

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I am married to a man more than a dozen years older than I am, and through most of our four decades together he has been the strong one who has taken care of most things.  Over the last decade he has had many surgeries.  He has many different things wrong, but […]

Guilt and Grief — a Husband’s Long Decline Read More »

Mourning a Former Spouse: Disenfranchised Grief

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My ex-husband and I were married for 25 years, together 28. We raised four children together. He was charming, sociable, affectionate, intelligent and silly. We enjoyed numerous good times. Toward the end, however, he became abusive and I made excuses to stay. After he took out his anger on one of the

Mourning a Former Spouse: Disenfranchised Grief Read More »

Grieving for a Husband/Father During Holiday Season

Grieving for a Husband/Father During the Holidays Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband Don died 9 months ago after a rapid decline; and his lungs basically stopped working, even with oxygen treatments.  His death has been hard for us as a family in many ways, as he lived only about 6 months after getting the diagnosis, and

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Why is it so hard? Coping with multiple losses.

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Why is it so hard? I lost my sister in the spring, then my husband a month later, then my son two months later. It’s been a losing battle I just don’t know how to handle this. Paulina Dear Paulina, When a person has a litany of losses in such close succession

Why is it so hard? Coping with multiple losses. Read More »

A Bereavement Counselor’s dilemma: the widow is ready: nobody else is.

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I am a bereavement counselor at a hospice.  I have a client who has done amazing work after the death of her husband.  She is in her mid 60’s and very healthy.  She and her husband had counseling before his death and she continued after his death.  She has written, and written,

A Bereavement Counselor’s dilemma: the widow is ready: nobody else is. Read More »

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