Death of A Child

“My son took his own life…” x

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My 17 year old son took his own life not even a month ago. I find I can’t even type the details. He used a shotgun in our basement. Our whole family  found him shortly afterwards. I recently read about “atypical depression” which very well described Edward’s condition. He was doing well. […]

“My son took his own life…” x Read More »

Over My Son’s Death?: An Ask Dr. Neimeyer Guest Column

Editor’s Note: This week is a departure. The following was written by Mary Jane Hurley Brant, M.S., CGP in response to last week’s post about a  mother angry that she is frequently asked if she is “over” her son’s death You can read the question and Dr. Neimeyer’s reply at this link:  CLICK HERE. Mary Jane is

Over My Son’s Death?: An Ask Dr. Neimeyer Guest Column Read More »

Why is it so hard? Coping with multiple losses.

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Why is it so hard? I lost my sister in the spring, then my husband a month later, then my son two months later. It’s been a losing battle I just don’t know how to handle this. Paulina Dear Paulina, When a person has a litany of losses in such close succession

Why is it so hard? Coping with multiple losses. Read More »

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