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Dear Dr. Neimeyer, As a former student of yours many years ago I have a deceptively simple question. My wife passed away less than 3 months ago. I have not felt her presence since I watched her pass away. The analytical side of me says that death may in fact be final but the spiritual […]
Continue ReadingHi Dr. Neimeyer, My husband died unexpectedly five years ago at the age of 54. We were together for 33 years. He dropped dead in front of me with no warning. They said that he was gone before he hit the floor. We had a very good marriage and I am thankful for the time […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, I have a friend who is a retired Obstetrician/Gynecologist from a world renowned medical group. He ruminates and is depressed about a patient he had many years ago. She suffered from postpartum depression after giving birth, and then died by suicide. He tells the story that she came to him, and he […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, How do I stop blaming myself for my mother’s death? She was 85 and 18 hours away from heart valve replacement, doing well, ready for it. She was told to walk some before surgery, and her last walk was fatal. I think I could have stopped her from overdoing it, but I […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, My grandson took a psychological test for placement in a job (oral – he passed the written). He failed this test. My question is: he was grieving the loss of his grandfather just 2 months prior. Could this have had an impact on his test results? We are attempting an appeal and […]
Continue ReadingDr. Neimeyer My daughter passed away four years ago. My husband and I grieve so differently. I find it difficult to feel supported by him because I have always needed to talk about my grief while he rarely talks about his. When I cry, he doesn’t know what to say and doesn’t really offer the […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Niemeyer, I have a friend who is dying and I want to do something to honor her before she passes away. I was always taught to honor someone before they die. Do you have any ideas of what I could do for her? She is an elderly lady. Thank you! Mary Dear Mary, […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, What are the effects from parents who have passed away? Mine both had cancers and they both passed away a year and a half apart. It has caused me a lot of grieving, crying, a lot loss of memory, forgetfulness, anger and not wanting too move on. It’s been very hard for […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, It’s been a year and a half since my husband died of cancer. I’ll soon be relatively healthy 70. He would have been 74. I am recovering but wondering if the grieving process brings any gifts or lessons other than the arduous rebuilding of myself as a person living alone. Lee Dear […]
Continue ReadingDear Dr. Neimeyer, My wife of over fifty years died a little over a year ago from a stroke. I have talked with my pastor, a psychologist, my family and friends and it seems nothing helps me. I was her caregiver for about eight years, which given the opportunity I would do it all again. I […]
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