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Tragic death of a Mother at Another’s Hand

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | October 26, 2020 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My therapist showed me your website and I’m grateful for her suggestion to join and get involved here. My mother was killed in 2012 and I’m still struggling very much with what I’m told is called complicated grief. I was very very close to my mum, who was my best friend, my […]

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Accidental drug overdose took our daughter

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | October 19, 2020 | 2 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My wife and I lost our 23- year-old daughter to an accidental drug overdose just over one year ago, and of course we have been devastated by the loss. Each of us has coped in our own way, and we continue to function in practical terms, although the early months were pretty […]

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I Lost My Son to a Drug Overdose

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | October 12, 2020 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I lost my son five years ago to a drug overdose. l battled with him for several years trying to break his addiction. He died right before his 28 birthday. I feel like I lost everything when I lost him. He was my baby. I have three other children and numerous grandchildren, but the kids say I’m […]

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Fearing the loss of loved ones: Dear Dr. Neimeyer,

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | October 5, 2020 | 0 Comments

I lost my young wife after twenty years of marriage. Since then I feel like I’ve moved on; I found a new wife whom I love completely. We’ve raised terrific children. My problem is that I have an irrational fear of loss. At least once a day I obsess about losing my new wife, our […]

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Daughter Murdered by the Father of Her Children

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | September 14, 2020 | 1 Comment

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My daughter was murdered by the father of her children. Her children at the time were a toddler and an infant. It’s now seven years later. My daughter was just 21 years old. I had to get my granddaughter’s things out of the apartment she was murdered in, so it was very […]

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My Daughter was Murdered

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | September 7, 2020 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My daughter was murdered a year ago. She was upset with me before it happened. I saw her the morning it happened, and we only waved at each other. Later, I saw her body lying on the floor in her house and I can’t get that image out of my head. I […]

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Loss of Financial Security During Troubled Times

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | August 31, 2020 | 0 Comments

Editor’s Note: Loss of Financial Security is a repost we thought would be very relevant in these troubled times. Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband died two years ago. I also lost my home of more than a quarter century. and had to file for bankruptcy due to his passing. I have no idea how to get over […]

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Antidepressants and Complicated Grief…any other way?

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | August 24, 2020 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Is the best and probably only way to get through complicated grief through the use of antidepressants? Thanks. Demi   Dear Demi, Both clinical experience and clinical research suggest that antidepressant medication is a mixed blessing in the context of bereavement, for several reasons. In fact, for many years psychiatrists agreed that […]

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My husband’s daughter accused him of molesting her

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | August 17, 2020 | 0 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband passed away suddenly and unexpectedly over two years ago. I am in a lot of emotional pain, but that’s not why I am writing. Three decades ago my husband’s daughter accused him of molesting her; this recollection had come to her, she said, during a course of psychotherapy. He said […]

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Mom has turned bedroom into a shrine to my departed father… – copy

By Dr. Robert Neimeyer | August 10, 2020 | 2 Comments

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My question is regarding my mother.   We lost my father very unexpectedly this past summer, and she is having a very hard time with his loss, as we all are.  My question is this: Is it good for her to have her bedroom looking like a shrine to him, so that whenever […]

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