Loss of a husband

Why is it so hard? Coping with multiple losses.

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Why is it so hard? I lost my sister in the spring, then my husband a month later, then my son two months later. It’s been a losing battle I just don’t know how to handle this. Paulina Dear Paulina, When a person has a litany of losses in such close succession

Why is it so hard? Coping with multiple losses. Read More »

A Bereavement Counselor’s dilemma: the widow is ready: nobody else is.

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, I am a bereavement counselor at a hospice.  I have a client who has done amazing work after the death of her husband.  She is in her mid 60’s and very healthy.  She and her husband had counseling before his death and she continued after his death.  She has written, and written,

A Bereavement Counselor’s dilemma: the widow is ready: nobody else is. Read More »

“…my husband’s daughter accused him of molesting her…”

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My husband passed away suddenly and unexpectedly over two years ago. I am in a lot of emotional pain, but that’s not why I am writing. Three decades ago my husband’s daughter accused him of molesting her; this recollection had come to her, she said, during a course of psychotherapy. He said

“…my husband’s daughter accused him of molesting her…” Read More »

Daughter lost her husband in an accident

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, My 23 year old daughter lost her husband two years ago. He was a soldier and her high school sweetheart. He was killed in a car accident on a military base. She is so lost and devastated. She feels like she has lost her identity and has questioned everything in life now.

Daughter lost her husband in an accident Read More »

Does The Grieving Process Brings Any Gifts…

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, It’s been a year and a half since my husband died of cancer. I’ll soon be relatively healthy 70. He would have been 74. I am recovering but wondering if the grieving process brings any gifts or lessons other than the arduous rebuilding of myself as a person living alone. Lee Dear

Does The Grieving Process Brings Any Gifts… Read More »

Anticipatory Grieving: mourning the living

Dear Dr. Neimeyer, Your recent reply to the woman widowed over 25 years ago resonated with me, even though my husband is still alive.  I am a member of the Well Spouse Association, a national nonprofit organization which provides peer support to those caring for chronically ill or disabled spouses. “Chronic sorrow”…”bleaching out of emotions”…”surviving but not thriving”… “sense of not fitting

Anticipatory Grieving: mourning the living Read More »

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